GONDAN receives a visit from the IMR of Bergen

GONDAN receives a visit from the IMR of Bergen

On June 1st a multidisciplinary group of 20 researchers from the Havforskningsinstituttet, the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) from Norway, visited Gondan Shipyard.  During their visit to the yard, the group walked around the facilities, learned about Gondan Shipyard´s productive processes, and visited the Research Vessel “Dr Fridtjof Nansen”, which is in her latest stages of construction.

This Ressearch vessel is more than 74 meter length, and is being equipped with cutting edge technology to become a key tool for Oceanographic and Fisheries research for her shipowner, the IMR. She is one of Gondan Shipyard most challenging projects, being a “silent vessel” which complies with the ICES 209 norm, the most demanding Standard for the measurement of underwater noise.

The ship is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its Agency of Development Cooperation (Norad), and her shipbuilding contract was awarded to Gondan Shipyard via a thorough international tender. She will be operated jointly by the IMR and FAO, and she will perform Oceanographic and Fisheries research in developing countries, mainly in Africa.

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