GONDAN joins CRE100DO Program

GONDAN joins CRE100DO Program

We are pleased to announce that, recently, and along with 9 other Spanish companies, GONDAN Shipbuilders has joined the “CRE100DO” Program.

Its objective is to contribute to the development of the Spanish productive model, so that it evolves towards a model based on more innovative,  competitive and  internationalized companies  for which the size of the them is the variable that most influence has.

Therefore, it is a business transformation program that accompanies more than 100 companies in the Middle Market – companies whose turnover is between 50 and 250 million euros – to “grow big”, and thus be a reference and open the way to other companies. Program participants are selected following positive impact criteria, that is, by selecting certain criteria of companies that can create a multiplier impact.

It is a pride for our company to have been chosen to be part of this project and to contribute with our knowledge and experience within the naval sector. We are sure that, through this program, GONDAN will benefit, in turn, from the dissemination of high impact concepts and practices.

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